The pancreas is an organ, about 7 inches in length, that's located behind the stomach and below the liver. One of its main jobs is to make the hormone insulin, which the body needs to use glucose (sugar) from food properly. People who don't produce insulin have diabetes.

糖尿病的标准治疗方法是用胰岛素来替代胰腺不分泌的物质. 通过仔细监测他们的血糖水平来达到正确的胰岛素剂量, 患者可以预防或减缓许多糖尿病并发症的进展.

如果标准治疗不起作用,胰腺移植可能是一种选择. 通过恢复胰岛素分泌,成功的胰腺移植可以帮助患者:

  • Manage kidney complications from type 1 diabetes
  • Eliminate the need for insulin injections
  • 减少或消除对饮食和活动的限制
  • Reduce or eliminate the risk of severe low blood sugar levels